Snow Emergencies

A snow emergency is a declaration by the Township Manager in concert with the Township's Police and Public Works Departments and is supported by Section 185-23 of the Township Code of Ordinances. Snow Emergencies are declared when winter snow and ice conditions are severe enough to mandate that vehicles should not be parked on public streets. Occasionally, when the prediction is certain enough, the Township will declare the snow emergency in advance. Snow emergencies are declared due to substantial accumulation and/or icy conditions. The purpose of the snow emergency is to promote an environment where Township snow removal crews can better remove snow and ice between the curbs and public streets (curb to curb). This opens the roads to better accommodate future on street parking as well as to facilitate proper access for emergency vehicles including ambulance and fire response vehicles, mail delivery, and trash pick-up. Snow emergencies are normally announced by the Township via KYW radio (1060 AM) and WNPV (1440 AM). Snow emergencies will also be announced on this website and Facebook. Under the code the declaration remains in effect for a period not to exceed 72 hours after cessation of the snowstorm event. Failure to comply with the Township's declaration of the snow emergency does carry a fine. Also be advised that if necessary, the Township will tow your car and assess all costs to the owner of the vehicle.

The Township appreciates your cooperation and hopes that all residents understand that a declaration of a snow emergency is not intended to inconvenience but rather to be helpful in promoting the most effective and efficient removal of snow and ice from the Township roads and highways.