Delayed Opening

Our administrative office will be opening late on a 2 hour delay. Our essential staff at UGT are here to ensure your safety and provide essential tips for managing the snowy conditions.

Here's what you need to know:

1. Stay Informed:

Keep an eye on local news updates and weather forecasts. Stay informed about any changes in the weather conditions. Follow our Upper Gwynedd Police Department, Upper Gwynedd Township Fire Marshal's Office/Emergency Management, Upper Gwynedd Township Fire Department and all of our Township pages for important updates.

2. Winterize Your Home:

Prepare your home for the cold weather. Check insulation, seal any drafts, and ensure your heating system is in good working order. Keep emergency supplies such as blankets and non-perishable food items.

3. Plan Your Travel:

If possible, avoid unnecessary travel during heavy snowfall. If you must go out, plan your route in advance, and inform someone about your destination and expected arrival time.

4. Snow Removal Tips:

Shovel snow early and often to prevent accumulation.
Use ice melt or sand on slippery surfaces.
Clear sidewalks for the safety of pedestrians.
Don't forget to clear snow from your vehicle before driving.

Shovel Towards Your Lawn:

When shoveling, throw the snow towards your lawn instead of the street. By creating a barrier of snow along the edge of your driveway, you make it less likely for the plow to push additional snow into your cleared area.

Leave a Buffer Zone:

Leave a small amount of snow at the edge of your driveway, creating a buffer zone. This extra snow acts as a barrier, reducing the chance of the plow pushing more snow into your driveway.

Angle Your Shovel:

Angle your shovel so that you throw the snow at an angle away from the street. This technique directs the snow away from the path of the plow, minimizing the chances of it being pushed back into your driveway.

5. Emergency Kit:

Assemble an emergency kit with essentials like water, snacks, a flashlight, batteries, and a first aid kit. Be prepared for potential power outages.

If you can stay home please do! It allows us to clear the roads faster, with less cars traveling on our roadways. Make sure to park your cars in your driveway, to allow plow crews better access to your roadway.

Remember, safety is our top priority! By following these tips, we can navigate the winter weather together. Stay warm and safe!

#WinterSafety #SnowAlert #CommunityFirst