Grading Permit Application

The following activities require a grading permit: A. Modifying, disturbing, blocking, diverting or otherwise adversely affecting the natural flow of surface water within an ephemeral, intermittent or perennial stream or in a manner which impacts an adjoining parcel/property. B. Construction, erection or installation of any drainage dam or obstruction affecting the drainage of any parcel/property. C. Earth disturbance in excess of 500 square feet, cumulatively in one year; a year being 12 consecutive months from the date of the first earth disturbance or application for a grading permit. D. A fill which exceeds 10 cubic yards of material. E. Construction and/or installation of driveways and swimming pools. In addition, where an activity proposes more than 1,000 square feet of new impervious cover as part of the grading permit application, then a stormwater management plan shall be provided that complies with Upper Gwynedd Township Code Chapter 162, Stormwater Management.